January 9, 2012

Day 5 : Late night adventure... getting lost in Paris!

Of course, leave it to Yasuyo and me to get lost on our first day of class!

Yes, I'm a little embarrassed to say that what should have been 40-minute commute from ESSEC's Cergy campus to downtown Paris ended up taking us almost two hours this evening! However, in out defense, it was not entirely our fault--it turns out a train had malfunctioned somewhere between Etoile and Auber stations on the RER A line... we ended hopping on a train to Gare St-Lazare, where we should have gotten off. However, I guess because we were having so much fun chatting, we forgot to get off and suddenly found ourselves heading back outside of Paris! Dear oh dear...

The expression on my face when I realized what had happened must have been priceless... Two nice frenchmen sitting next to us noticed my reaction and asked if we needed help--we clearly looked lost. Luckily, one of the guys spoke just as much english as I spoke french. After explaining to him that we had come from ESSEC and were trying to get to Etoile, he kindly offered to check Google Maps on his Android and help us find the best way home (it seemed none of the train lines we needed were working, and we had actually taken a train not on our Paris Metro map... Ah!)

Being my usual self, I decided to document our spontaneous mini adventure :-) Had either Yasuyo or I been alone, we would have probably freaked out, but oddly enough, getting lost was actually quite fun. Don't think either of us laughed so hard since we arrived in Paris! Good times. Definitely one for the books!

Yasuyo looking a bit confused, "How do we get home again?!" | RER A line - somwhere between Cergy and Paris

After an hour and half, we finally made it back to downtown Paris! | Gare Saint-Lazare

Made it safely back to Paris, but apparently still lost... "How do we get out of this station again?" | Sortie (Exit) sign @ Gare Saint-Lazare

Finally on our way home! | 9 Line - Paris Metro

Probably the nicest Metro stop I've seen in Paris yet! | Metro Platform @ Haussmann St-Lazare

Metro (aka. Subway) art in Paris rocks | Mosaic of "Red Lips" @ Haussmann St-Lazare

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