So sorry I've been MIA this past week, but unfortunately I've been terribly sick :-( Silly as it might sound, I actually bit my tongue while napping last week and did not take it easy over the weekend as I should have. Ended up paying for it this week as I could no longer eat, talk... or even laugh with the excruciating pain :-( In the end, I was forced not to talk and go on a liquids-only diet, which I must say is torture here in Paris with all the delicious boulangeries and pâtisseries taunting me on every street corner! Good news, though--after two days of rest, happy to say it looks like I'm finally on my way to a speedy recovery :-)
Now that I'm starting to feel a lot better, I guess it's safe to return to the scene of the crime and share with you my little guilty pleasure last Sunday that was partially to blame for the pain I later suffered this week...
Ladurée | Champs-Élysées, 8e arrondissement
Yes, that's right. Ladurée. Bored out of my mind and with almost every place closed on Sunday in Paris, I couldn't think of any other place to better entertain myself than Ladurée on the Champs-Élysées :-) Admittedly, this isn't first, second, or even third time I've been here... Nevertheless, I thought I'd come back anyway and check it out again for the millionth time. Why you ask? Well, because we all know Ladurée is one of the best pâtisseries in town! and frankly, with all the yummy desserts on display, seriously, how can you ever say "No?"
Grand entrance @ Ladurée | Champs-Élysées, 8e arrondissement
Hmm, wondering what's inside the green bag? Well, if you guessed macarons... Haha, you're wrong!
Trés jolie! | Ladurée
I know, I know... I always come to chez Ladurée for the maracons, and I must confess that's the only thing I've tried on their menu. However, what few seem to realize (except the local Parisians themselves) is that Ladurée also makes one of the best religieuses in town! I came across this interesting fact while browsing through my foodie blogs earlier on Sunday and decided I had to taste it for myself...