February 8, 2012

Day34-36 : New York in Paris

Bonjour again!

Sorry I've been quite terrible with my updates. After being sick last week and still catching up on work, plus with a big presentation in school coming up later this week, sadly I've not had much time to explore much of Paris the last couple of days :-( However, I just wanted say a quick hello again and share this wonderful map of Paris by artist Vahran Muratyan of Paris versus New York that I recently came across...

For any American transplants like me who are new to Paris and still trying to figure out the different neighborhoods (20 arrondissements in total!), I must say based on my experiences and Parisian expeditions so far this amusing map has been quite accurate so far! It's quite interesting to see how much Paris does indeed remind of New York and vice versa...

February 5, 2012

Day 33 : Il a neigé à Paris = Winter Wonderland!

Bonjour mes amis!

I am thrilled to say winter has finally arrived here in Paris! Oui, I woke up this morning and discovered to my delight that it had actually snowed last night--and by snow, I do not mean flurries, but proper snow indeed! 

Okay, for all of my midwestern friends, you'll probably think my pictures below might look a little pathetic--compared to our good ol' fashion blizzards at home, this would be classified as merely a "dusting." Nonetheless, by European standards, even a few inches managed to cause chaos in London this weekend and pretty much convinced everyone in Paris to stay inside--all the streets were practically empty! To mark this joyous event (and staying true to my midwestern roots :-p), I decided to spend my Sunday afternoon frolicking around my neighborhood and capturing my little snow globe of Paris before it all melted...

I present to you my black-and-white artsy interpretation of "Winter in Paris"... enjoy! 

Passy | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

Off l'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

Off l'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

L'avenue Georges-Mandel | 16e arrondissement

Place du Trocadéro | 16e arrondissement

Tour Eiffel | 16e arrondissement

Tour Eiffel | 16e arrondissement

Palais de Chaillot | 16e arrondissement

Passy | 16e arrondissement

Passy | 16e arrondissement

Passy | 16e arrondissement

Passy | 16e arrondissement

For those of you who prefer the wonderful world of color, worry not--I have not forgotten about you! Jump ahead for your very own special virtual tour, too :-)